Connecting and empowering people with Type 1 diabetes to walk, run, ride and play with confidence!

April 5, 2021 | Walt Disney World

Your donations help T1Determined #keepgoing.

I started the 2024 T1DecaMan Solo Challenge Monday, September 16 and finished Thursday Oct 10, 2024

The equivalent of 10 Ironmans:

10 x 2.4 miles: 24-mile swim

10 X 112 miles: 1120-mile bike

10 X 26.2 miles: 262-mile run

The 2024 T1DecaMan Solo Challenge: Where Is Don Swimming/Riding/Running Right Now?

Don Muchow

Type 1 diabetic ultrarunner, Ironman, Fastest Known Run across Texas, and first person to run from Disneyland to Walt Disney World.

Not all Type 1 diabetes complications are medical.

The Type 1 Diabetes Run Across America

2845 miles. 90 days of running.

Completed Wed., April 7, 2021

"The antibody tests came in. It's Type 1 diabetes."

First comes the diagnosis of a lifelong, incurable autoimmune disease.

Then the justified fear of dangerous, even deadly, low blood sugars.

"How can I even let my child play outside? What if her sugar drops?"

"I used to run marathons. Now I'm scared to even train. How will I ever do this again?"

I overcame my own fear by watching, listening and learning from other Type 1's.

Now, I'm paying that forward, showing that we can still dream big and connecting T1s to each other so we can all chase our dreams.

Epic is for Everyone!

Just a few of the amazing people with Type 1 diabetes, families, and supporters who I've met on my trans-state and transcontinental runs.

Happy to answer questions about how I do this despite Type 1--just DM me on Facebook or email me.

Keep Going: The #T1Determined Blog

Pirate leaning over bed

“I’ll most likely kill you in the morning”: Hard Lows and Living As a T1D Pirate

Arjuna and Krishna at Kurukshetra

Kurukshetra Within: Battle and Balance in the Struggle with T1D

Tortured souls

Diabetes Community, We Can Do Better

Featured in 100+ North American TV, Radio, Magazine & Newspaper Markets


Coco's Back!

Following her successful cross-Texas adventure, Coco, the world's first Type 1 diabetic ultrarunning monkey, has completed her run from Disneyland to Disney World!

Created by Disney & Lilly Diabetes, Coco's an empowered and active (of course!) plush monkey with Type 1 diabetes.

She helps kids navigate T1D in free books available online and from doctors.


“After insulin, the best treatment for Type 1 diabetes is staying active.”

#t1dtribe #t1dlookslikeme #t1dstrong



“My sugar went low & I had a terrible run. I’ve been depressed since then, you’re quite inspirational.”



“This gives me hope for my T1D son diagnosed in 2016. He wants to run but we struggle due to lows.”



“ROCK ON! You inspire me to be better. No longer obese, I just need to keep running. Thanks for doing this!”



“Your run inspired
this T1D to
hit the trails again!”